Idiopathic Sensory Ganglionopathy


a.k.a. chronic ataxic neuropathy


Clinical features +NCS/EMG findings +Exclusion of other causes: Sjogren syndrome, paraneoplastic syndrome, paraproteinemia, Refsum disease etc.

Clinical features:

Global sensory loss (especially proprioception), sensory ataxia (pseudoathetosis), normal power
Exclusion of other causes: Sjogren syndrome, paraneoplastic syndrome, paraproteinemia, Refsum disease etc.

Findings on investigations:


  • Axonal Sensory neuropathy (may be normal initially)
  • Normal motor,
Pathology, nerve biopsy:

Dorsal root ganglia: lymphocytic infiltration, destruction of nerve cells,
Sural nerve biopsy:

  • Loss of myelinated axons

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